Since 1984, SICO Technology GmbH has been manufacturing high quality custom parts for the semiconductor, fiber optic and optical industry. Manufacturing facilities are located in Austria, Singapore and the United States with complete fabrication abilities while continuously improving quartz capabilities.
SICO Technology offers solutions and services with continuously set new standards in quality, precision and application. This enables us to offer our customers the highest quality of high purity Silicon carriers, injectors, liners and tubes. Sico is the world leader in producing Silicon parts due to R&D Experience over decades, allowing us to meet or exceed our customers expectations.
Sustainability and reliability ensure business success - SICO Technology is a partner who knows your needs and supports you in extending the service life of your products and reducing your costs.
Thanks to specially developed processes and the use of state-of-the-art machines, SICO is your partner for.

SICO Technology GmbH was established in 1981 and has continually developed and designed the design and production of quartz glass, silicon and ceramics for semiconductor industry.
Our advanced and patented know-how and innovative manufacturing methods have made our products the first choice of leading semiconductor organizations around the world.
As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, SICO manufactures the complete set of furnace parts for various OEM furnace brands.
Today, the Sico Global Group is represented in the USA, Europe and Asia, all important locations for the semiconductor industry.

9530 Bad Bleiberg
Quellenweg 2
For questions, requests or informations, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Tel.: +43 4244 5151 0
Fax: +43 4244 5151 20